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 Banner Image Features is ground-breaking communication technology that will connect your brand and message with audiences across multiple digital platforms. Imagine a streamlined experience that allows you to easily push content and notifications to your Website, mobile apps, social media, E-mail subscribers and text message subscribers– all in one simple action.

Watch an  Overview Video includes all of the following, though custom features and online tools are very possible. Includes the Following Features

Custom Website Design

New, Branded iOS & Android Apps

E-mail Blast and Notifications

Mobile App Notifications

Text Blast and Notifications

Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn Publishing

Easy Content Controls

Contact for Customization Possibilities Also Includes:

Website Hosting

With, we will host your new Website on our powerful, high-availability servers. This ensures that your Website, apps and online tools are online and provided with the attention and resources needed to deliver your content.

Web Traffic Reporting

We also provide monthly and annual Google Analytics reports to keep our customers informed on their Website’s activity, as well as visitor demographics and behaviors. Direct access to Google Analytics is also available for customers who enjoy working within the platform.