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iOS & Android Apps

Mobile apps are the perfect way to engage your audience by providing instant content and real-time communications. The iOS and Android apps that are included with feature branded, intuitive user interfaces, and allow your users to customize their own content filtering needs.

Check out our Showcase App Features

  • App available for iPhone, iPad and Android Smartphones
  • App is free to download from the App Store and Google Play
  • App is designed and branded for your company or organization
  • App seamlessly loads all content from your new Web site
  • App enhances communications with your audience
  • App features push notifications for the alerts, news, events you create on the Website
  • App allows users to select their preferred content categories via user settings
  • App push notifications can be sent to all or selected app user content categories
  • App features “News,” “Events,” “Alerts,” “Contacts,” “Locations,” “Files,” “Videos,” “Website,” and “Settings” content loaded from your Website in real-time
  • App allows users to easily share content via text, E-mail or social networks
  • App “Events” tab allows users to create calendar reminders on their device
  • App allows users to directly call, E-mail or save “Contacts” and “Locations” listings
  • App allows users to directly map and launch directions to “Locations” listings
  • App “Website” tab allows users to browse your mobile Website in-app
  • App allows users to easily browse through the folders and files uploaded in your Website’s File Center
  • App allows users to download, print or share files from the “Files” content area
  • App allows users to browse and watch videos uploaded to your Website